Genrep is committed to protecting the environment during all our processes.
We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing environmental matters. As a company we must be aware of the effects that we have on the environment and must try to minimize them. Our primary objectives are the prevention of soil damage, decreased water quality, decrease land productivity and fires.
We intend to meet this commitment through the application of the following principles:
- Management will promote the development and enforcement of good environmental standards in accordance with relevant legislation;
- Report all spills and check with client on clean up techniques; clean up all spills caused from leaking machinery and mobile equipment;
- Use, store, and dispose of products in such a manner that will provide appropriate protection to the environment;
- Pick up ALL refuse from sites and place in proper receptacles;
- Prevent the uncontrolled release of hazardous materials, ensure containment facilities are well maintained;
- Record and document waste sent to waste recycle facilities for proper disposition;
- Minimize health hazards;
- Hazardous Goods will be handled safely according to the following government regulations: Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System Regulations. These regulations require hazardous goods to be properly labeled, packaged, handled and transported.
- Provide education and training to employees/sub-contractors to keep them informed on how to do their jobs in such a manner as to cause minimum environmental harm and waste of materials;
- Maintaining an effective communication and reporting system;
- Accountability of all staff for their actions and decisions;
- here possible, we shall recycle and promote the use of recycled products;
- Respond to the concerns of our employees/sub-contractors and customers regarding the environment; and,
- Ensure we all do our part and clean up after ourselves.
Our purpose is to create an environment as waste free as possible within the operation, and to promote the reduction, reuse and recycling of our waste.
- Always be conscious of the environment.
- Do not leave any empty containers on any worksite. When changing fluids on the worksite, ensure the fluids are drained into a container that can be transported safely back to the shop facility/yard and disposed of in the proper manner.
- When doing service work or repairs, all debris shall be picked up such as old hoses, parts, packing boxes, paper towels, grease rags, etc. and disposed of when returning to the shop/yard.
- Garbage is not to be thrown out of equipment or vehicles.
- All fluid storage containers must be constructed and maintained to minimize the risk of spills
Employees/sub-contractors will make every effort to the following to minimize waste:
- Recycle and Follow the “Pack In, Pack Out” guideline – take out what was brought in
- Use garbage facilities provided on site
Energy Management
- Vehicles will be maintained regularly to conserve energy.
- The use of fuel conditioners in engines will be used to improve performance and reduce fuel consumption.
The threat to our environment is real, and we now have the opportunity to make a positive impact through leadership shown by this company.
Please leave the environment as good as or better than you found it. Recycle all that can be recycled.
** The safety information in this policy does not take precedent over applicable government legislation with which all employee/sub-contractors should be familiar.