Genrep to the Rescue!!

Being in the generator service business means that we are constantly responding to emergency calls wherever is required. It’s the nature of the industry! Genrep has been servicing generators across Canada for over 34 years. We are on the road 24/7/365 because we know the importance of emergency service and reducing downtime for our customers.
Recently, two large, upscale condo buildings downtown Toronto lost power. Heavy rain leaked into the condo’s HVAC system on to the high voltage panel, which caused an explosion. No one was hurt, thankfully, but the damage caused a power outage and the building required extensive repairs in order to restore power.
The standby generators for the buildings – which Genrep maintains – switched on flawlessly to provide emergency life-safety power to the residents for over 50 hours. Unfortunately, while these powered emergency lights, elevators and other essential services, it still left hundreds of residents without electricity in their units.
Genrep came to the rescue by providing an additional 2 Megawatts of power using rental generators while the Condo Corporation worked to fix the damage caused by the rain. These rental generators ensured residents had full power during the repairs. Genrep attended and coordinated a major collaboration of trades to supply and install the equipment required; more than 150 hours of Genrep’s manpower and almost 18,000 feet of power distribution cables went in to the effort.
Genrep’s presence was immediate and swift and we stayed on point until everything was settled. We are proud to say that these two condo buildings are back online and everyone has power!
To learn more about Genrep’s services please go to: Genrep Emergency Services